You have just participated in our latest promotion which will give you some insight into your personality. The results of the survey are displayed below.
We hope this is enlightening and helpful. Take a look. It's fun!
The Community Team
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Melissa as a manager
You are very considerate towards your staff, putting their needs before anything else. If one of your staff has a problem then you treat it as your problem and do what you can to help. It doesn’t need to be a work related problem either.
Your team will always know where they stand with you, as you are reliable and dependable.
You make your office a pleasant place in which to work.
Playing to your strengths
You are a reliable, safe pair of hands and can be relied upon to get things done. Any job that requires persistence and determination to see the work through to completion would play to your strengths.
Here's what works well for you
You are persistent
Implementation is one of your strengths
Supporting a team to achieve positive outcomes is where you thrive
You can be counted upon to stay with tasks, even those of a routine nature
Colleagues and clients find you approachable
You are always willing to offer a helping hand
Here's what you need to watch out for
Persistency can be a virtue however there does come a time when it's better to let go!
Meeting time deadlines could be a challenge when implementing tasks
Supporting the team is fine, do not be persuaded to tackle more of their work than they do
You are always pleasant and this stops you saying no when sometimes you should
Offering a hand is supportive, make sure others recognise when you are in need
Consultant's advice
Jobs that require a good listener with a sympathetic ear are ideal for you. You will shine in this kind of job and should enjoy promotion.
One of your more unusual abilities is conflict resolution. There are many jobs where being able to take the heat out of a situation is highly valued. You have a talent for this and should promote this to potential employers. It is also something you love to do.
How you react if late for an appointment
Sometimes you find it really difficult to break away from a meeting or whatever it is you are doing, and as a result you become late for appointments.
You really do need to say "No, I don't have another minute", and leave in time for your pre-arranged appointment.
Ability to Actively Listen
Melissa is the very person to lend a sympathetic ear to someone's worries or concerns. She is patient and encouraging and doesn't interrupt until the person has said all they want to say. She not only offers good advice but also a helping hand in that she will actively volunteer to do something that could help the situation.
Melissa does have a challenge in saying no. Her efforts at active listening could be interpreted by the person she has encouraged to say what needs to be said, and to whom she appeared sympathetic, that she is willing to take the problem from them and deal with it personally. She should listen and encourage but make sure that the person whose challenge it is has no doubts that she will be supportive - but they must deal with finding the solution.
Active listening requires that attention be paid to the person making their case. They should be encouraged by nods and requests for points of clarification. Paraphrasing what has just been said to ensure clarification lets the other person know that what they have said has been heard and understood.
Include this in your CV
Melissa is very good at remaining calm, cool, and collected even when completing the most complex tasks.
Did you find out something interesting about yourself? Was it a surprise? Sometimes we can't spot our personality traits ourselves so why not get your friends to read your report and also test themselves.
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