These are before and after pictures....details below. :)
It has been a while since I made a post and I think I want to start blogging on here again. Since my last post, I have moved twice and have finally landed at our "perminant" duty station and have bought a home. I am now able to experience the true army life, good and bad. No complaining here , Life will always be challenging whether my husband is in the army or not. I actually love the life I live.
I am thinking of revamping this blog to focus on the ins and outs (ups and downs) of army life and other life things that may strike my fancy. I am also planning on posting pictures as we make home improvements on our new house. It may teach others how to do these things (especially women like me who sometimes need to take things into our hands due to our husband's busy schedudele)as I do them and share my learning experience with you. It might even prevent you from making any mistakes I make along the way.
Well without further ado, here are some home improvement pictures. In this post I will only post about my blinds adventure and I will post a seperate adventure in my next post. Lets just say I am not perfect and I am doing all these things for the first time, so I am actually proud of what little I have accomplished. lol
My Blind's adventure. :)
First aspect of my blind adventure was measuring the windows I wanted to cover, going to the store and picking them up and then accidently switching them around. lol I am not changing it now, but it is kind of funny. They look fine, though, right?
Before and after picures (above) - only window one, window two not pictured.
The reason I call this an adventure is because I didn't exacally know what I was getting into lol. Yes, to install blinds, its just a few screws you screw in the wall through hardware which connects the blinds to the wall excetera. , but when the prior owners left many holes where they had their blinds that I had to work around and then my first few attempts the hardware fell out of the wall (yes each time) till I realized that I maybe using the wrong type of screw. Well, anyway after I mastered the art of screwing nails into the wall and learning to pre-screw (I don't have a drill) so that the hardware attaches easier and using the right size screw (after like 2 hours ) window # 1 was done. (and yes it took just about that long and was very frustrating) Window two went up in a breeze. I guess I am a good learner lol. HANDY WOMAN TO THE RESCUE!!
Advice I would give to anyone putting up blinds for the first time (and having no home improvement experience whatsoever, like me) always,always measure and mark first. Pre-drill or pre- screw (literally screwing the screw in the premarked whole in the wall about half way and then take the screw out and place the brackets on the wall and then screw the hardware to the wall all the way. Oh, and check the strenth of the screws when you pre-screw by pulling lightly down on them to make sure your nails are holding tight and then redo the same test when you get the brackets into the walls. Oh, and if my intuision is right , if you are attaching the blinds to dry wall, use the skinner scews in the blinds kit. The fatter ones are probably for in window mouting or mouting on wood, because they would pull right out of the drywall, each and everytime for me until I switched to the skinner screws....frustration, yes. Once you get the blinds up make sure you slide the front piece into the brackets after you have the blinds sitting in them. If you don't the blinds will just fall out of the brackets once you try to close them I did not make this mistake but I thought I would point it out just in case anyone needs to know. :) Well its off to bed for this girl. I hope you have a blessed night and thanks for reading.
My next adventures are ....painting my dining room walls by myself and possibly a dishwasher installation. Oh good gracious!!! Stay tuned!! :)
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